Organization Spotlight: Union Gospel Mission
Motivated by their Christian faith, the leaders at Seattle's Union Gospel Mission share a passionate desire to serve, rescue, and transform those in greatest need through the grace of Jesus Christ. As a group, these men and women bring hundreds of years of ministry experience to the table. That experience, combined with a consistent dependence on prayer and the Bible, informs the direction of the Mission.

Once I Go to Treatment, Am I “Cured” of Being an Alcoholic or Addict?
Just like going to the gym for a month will not make up for a life filled with bad eating and poor exercise habits, a month (or six) in a rehabilitation facility will not “cure” an addict or alcoholic of their condition.

How Do I Transition Back Into the Workplace After Going to Treatment?
Considering a return to work after going to rehab can cause anxiety for many. While companies do a great job of providing Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) or health insurance that covers the cost of drug or alcohol treatment, there is almost no guidance after the employee returns to the workplace.

What Are the Links Between Employment and Recovery?
There are many anecdotal stories of how people stay on the path of recovery due to employment. And this makes sense: employment provides purpose and a sense of pride that can help many people when recovery gets rough.