The Need: Equitable work opportunities
The Need:
Millions of capable employees have a hard time accessing work, even during low unemployment

Our New Online Course!
THE RECOVERY EMPLOYMENT JOURNEY: a 30-lesson, self-guided course that guides students through a series of steps that can help people rebuild their careers and develop new skills after addiction or criminal justice involvement.

Recovery Career Services Making a Difference in the Community
RCS received a great write-up in the Shoreline Area News, a local newspaper, for the work we’re doing to help participants in the Compassionate Sentencing Program in our Shoreline Community Court.

What is the Easiest Way for an Employer to Show That They Have Inclusive Hiring Practices?
Employers do a great job of having equal employment opportunity statements, in accordance with their principles (and the law).

Organization Spotlight: Union Gospel Mission
Motivated by their Christian faith, the leaders at Seattle's Union Gospel Mission share a passionate desire to serve, rescue, and transform those in greatest need through the grace of Jesus Christ. As a group, these men and women bring hundreds of years of ministry experience to the table. That experience, combined with a consistent dependence on prayer and the Bible, informs the direction of the Mission.

Organization Spotlight: Cornbread Hustle
Cornbread Hustle is a staffing agency for Second Chances. They offer background-friendly jobs to people with a criminal history and those in recovery.
This organization is doing incredible work in the Dallas, Texas, area in second-chance employment!

How Do I list Jobs From Prison on My Resume?
The prospect of listing employment held while incarcerated can be intimidating.

What Should I Include in My Letter of Explanation About My Criminal History?
Telling the truth about your criminal convictions is critical because this honesty gives you the best opportunity to demonstrate your honesty to an employer. If you are applying for work, have a criminal record, and know the employer is going to run a background check, you should have a letter of explanation (LOE) prepared.

The Importance of Second Chance Hiring to Communities
Second chance employment is the practice of providing employment opportunities to individuals whose life circumstances or choices have placed them at a disadvantage in finding work. This typically means making jobs available to people in recovery from addiction or with past criminal justice involvement (or both).

Organization Spotlight: Cares of WA
Cares of Washington’s mission is to support people with disabilities, barriers to employment, and low incomes to realize their purpose, potential, and strength.

Should My Company Have a Mental Health/Wellness Policy?
Yes! it is important for your employees to know that your company cares about them being their best at home and at work.

Employing and Managing People with Addictions
For businesses and managers of people, it can be tricky to know the do’s and don’ts of doing what is best for employees with substance issues and working in the interests of the company as well.

Once I Go to Treatment, Am I “Cured” of Being an Alcoholic or Addict?
Just like going to the gym for a month will not make up for a life filled with bad eating and poor exercise habits, a month (or six) in a rehabilitation facility will not “cure” an addict or alcoholic of their condition.

How Can an Employer Spot Signs of Substance Abuse in an Employee?
The answer to this used to be pretty straightforward in a world where workers went to the office on a regular basis. Employers could look for visual cues, such as a haggard appearance, disheveled clothing, or the smell of alcohol.

Organization Spotlight: Workforce Foundation
Workforce Foundation works to empower all justice-impacted people to live a life they choose; believing that all people are deserving of living-wage jobs.
They offer fantastic programs for employment assistance, mentorship, coaching, and education for individuals with previous criminal justice involvement.