How Can Employers Help Workers Who Have Gone to Treatment Return to Work?
human resources, advice Ty Reed human resources, advice Ty Reed

How Can Employers Help Workers Who Have Gone to Treatment Return to Work?

Employee Assistance Programs and health insurance companies do a wonderful job of providing treatment for employees who need help with substance issues. However, there is virtually no formal support offered after the employee completes (or leaves) treatment and returns to the workplace.

How can employers help their employees reacclimate to the workplace?

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Why is Self-Care Important in Recovery?
advice, lifestyle, External Link Ty Reed advice, lifestyle, External Link Ty Reed

Why is Self-Care Important in Recovery?

The process of rebuilding a life or a career that has been affected by drugs and alcohol can seem overwhelming. While it is certainly worth the effort, it can be draining, and it can often be hard to see the long-term benefits while you’re in the middle of the process. Self-care is critically important as you begin the process and as you move through it.

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What Does Acceptance Have to Do with Saving My Career?
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What Does Acceptance Have to Do with Saving My Career?

The Oxford Dictionary definition of acceptance is “willingness to tolerate a difficult or unpleasant situation.” When it comes to previous mistakes, acceptance is the best we can strive for. Acceptance means we stop railing against what we think should not be. It is about acknowledging what is, even when undesirable.

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How Do I Figure Out Whether an Employer Will Do a Background Check?
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How Do I Figure Out Whether an Employer Will Do a Background Check?

If you have a criminal record, you should try to figure out if a company does a background check before you apply, and if so, what kind. For a big company, there is probably a lot of info about this. If you have felonies, you should pay close attention to this information. If the company has a policy that says they do not hire people with felonies, unless you have some fantastic connection at the company that can override policy, you are probably wasting your time.

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