“from transact to transform” testimonials

“Ty is a remarkable public speaker. His high-energy approach and focused attention on the audience make everyone in the room feel involved and connected.  Ty delivers an important yet compassionate message where he shares his personal experience while providing key data points.  He delivers and impactful message that is important and appropriate for any audience. “

Barbara Burkhart
One-Stop Operator
Workforce Southwest Washington

“This is a session that will help provide tools and suggestions for helping people who are struggling to get back into the work force after experiencing some setbacks in life. Tools for reframing situations in a manner that will be more acceptable to potential employers.”

“Amazing, thank you so much for this perspective. As a person who comes from a history of addiction myself, I valued everything you had to say immensely.”

“Positive, grounding, and inspiring to reflect and respond with greater respect and resourcefulness for reentry transitions and beyond.”

“The combination of Ty’s personal story along with the professional goal of the presentation is invaluable.”

“So extremely insightful. I have a large gap in my toolbox when it comes to reentry and this was very helpful.”

“Informative, unbiased, educational and fun.”

“One of the best presentations I’ve seen at one of these Professional Development Days.”