What Kind of Skills Can I Learn Working Recovery Jobs?
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What Kind of Skills Can I Learn Working Recovery Jobs?

A recovery job is a position taken in early recovery to get used to working again. Often, these are positions similar to those first jobs many people had as teenagers. In my ABC Employment Path model, these are listed under “A” for Any Job, meaning someone in early recovery should take any job they can.

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What Skills Can I Learn in an “A” Job?
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What Skills Can I Learn in an “A” Job?

In the ABC Employment Path, the “A” stands for ANY job. This means that in early recovery or just after release from incarceration, the most important thing is to take any job possible to get used to working again, make some legal money, and begin to build skills. For some who were criminal justice-involved, there may also be a probation or parole requirement that includes work.

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