What Skills Can I Learn in an “A” Job?

In the ABC Employment Path, the “A” stands for ANY job. This means that in early recovery or just after release from incarceration, the most important thing is to take any job possible to get used to working again, make some legal money, and begin to build skills. For some who were criminal justice-involved, there may also be a probation or parole requirement that includes work.

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Keep in mind that the Any Job is not meant to be long-term work. It serves the specific purposes listed above and helps to provide a buffer against relapse. Despite having a couple of college degrees and excellent work history, the first job I took in early recovery was as a janitor. Even though it wasn’t a job that I would have ever thought I would end up doing, knowing that it was temporary made it easier to accept.

However, that doesn’t mean you can’t learn real, valuable, transferable skills working an Any Job. And these skills can help you progress towards your “B” - Better, and “C” - Career Jobs on your journey.

Some examples of traditional Any Jobs and the skills you can learn from them:

Fast Food/Retail/Grocery — multitasking, point of sale operation, teamwork, customer service, inventory, and cash handling, communication, problem-solving, process management
Construction — safety, project management, teamwork, administrative skills, following detailed instructions and blueprints, and any specific skills that have to do with an aspect of construction, like carpentry and bricklaying
Landscaping — an eye for detail, persistence, customer service, organization, time management, physical strength, and endurance
Janitorial — safety, communication, customer service, manual dexterity, following instructions, time management, ability to meet standards

The key with an Any Job in early recovery is to focus on the skills you can build and take with you, not on the job itself.


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